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Sabtu, 14 Juli 2012

Understanding and benefits of the Internet

Understanding and benefits of the Internet
Introduction to Internet

Internet (Inteconnected-Network) is a set of
computer that connects various sites.
Networks that form the internet working on a set of protocols
standard used for connecting computer networks and
observe traffic in the network.
                Pd internet standard protocol dikenalsebagai TCP / IP (Transmission Control Protocol / Internet Protocol).
 This protocol has the ability to work on all types of computers, without
affected by differences in hardware and operating system
is used.
Internet advantages compared to other media
A. Inexpensive communication
2. Sources of information
3. To seek new challenges
4. Disclosure of "no censorship"
5. An unlimited range
Usefulness of the Internet
 Usefulness of the Internet in all areas (business, academic, government, etc. organizations include:
- Internet as a Media Communications
- Internet as a media campaign
- Internet as a Communications Interactive
- Internet as a Research and Development
- Internet as a data exchange

History of Internet
Before the Internet existed, ARPAnet (the U.S. Defense Advanced Research Projects
Agency) or the U.S. Department of Defense in 1969 to make
computer networks to avoid the spread of information

Internet Growth
Statistical data
• 3 million hosts are connected at the end of 1994
• Population 30 million users (1995)
• Growth of 10% per month
• 100 million users in 1998, is expected by 2010 all
     will be connected to the Internet
• Email to dominate 75% of the business relationship.
Internet connection
To be able to connect to the internet, the general steps
need to be prepared are:
?? Prepare a set of PC
?? Modem (Modulator Demodulator)
?? Connection to the internet via internet access service provider or ISP
(Internet Service Provider).

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