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Kamis, 05 Juli 2012

All About the Earth

All About the Earth


Is the earth perfectly round?
Careful measurement results show the earth is not round nahwa
perfect as blah, but much like grapefruit, which is slightly oblate in
two poles and slightly bulging around the equator. Therefore
the center line of the equator (12 757 km) longer than the diameter of the poles
(12 714 km)
The mass of the Earth type
Characteristics of the earth can also be indicated by the value of its density. With
knowing the kind of world we can estimate the constituent materials of the earth,
especially of the earth.
We already know the mass and radius of the earth. If we consider the earth
spherical, the volume of the earth can we calculate the volume of the ball to the formula 4/3
πR2, with R is the radius of the earth. The average density of the earth, we get the
dividing the mass of the earth with the volume of the earth. Obtained results, the average density of the Earth
approximately 5500 or 5.5 kg/m3 water density (1,000 kg/m3). Most of the rocks
has a density of 2000 up to 4000 kg/m3, and the density of the metal,
metals such as pure iron is 7000 kg/m3. Based on the analysis of the density of
concluded that the earth is mostly made up of a combination of rock and materials
metallic materials.
The principle of rotation of the Earth and result
Rotation is the rotation of earth around its axis. The time required
Earth to rotate around its axis one time was 1 day or 24 hours
(Exactly the 23 hours 56 minutes 4.09 seconds). Direction of rotation of the earth is "the east"
that is, from west to east
Can you feel the rotation of the earth?
You already acknowledge the earth rotates on its axis bahea. Why
you do not feel the rotation of the earth? Bemda you and objects around you, including
air and sea water retained by the Earth's gravity. This causes you and the object-
co-moving objects around with the earth, so you do not feel
Earth's rotation.
Due to the rotation of the earth
Earth's rotation on its axis causes:
A. Change of day and night
2. Daily apparent motion of celestial bodies
3. Swelling at the equator and both poles of the earth pemepatan
4. Differences in time to places where different degrees of longitude
As a result of the earth and the principles of the Revolution
Revolution of the earth is the earth's motion around the sun. Same direction of revolution
with the direction of rotation, which is opposite premises-clockwise. The direction of revolution of the earth
defined as "the east", the movement from east to west. One-time revolution
the earth (called the period of revolution of the Earth) takes 365.25 days (exactly 365
days 6 hours 9 minutes 10 seconds)
Due to the revolution of the earth
Revolution of the earth around the sun causes:
A. Change of seasons
2. Changes in length of day and night
3. The sun's apparent annual motion
4. Invisibility of different constellations from month to month

Posted By Febri Irawanto

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