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Kamis, 05 Juli 2012

The formation history of the Earth

The formation history of the Earth

Theory of natural creation


The theory of fog

The theory of binary star

Big Bang Theory

The theory of fog

nebular hypothesis was first

proposed by Immanuel Kant (1724 -

1804) in 1775. then

This hypothesis is refined by Pierre

Marquis de Laplace in 1796.

Therefore, the hypothesis is better known

the Kant-Laplace nebular hypothesis ..

Stars theory


binary star hypothesis was originally

put forward by Fred Hoyle (1915-2001

) In 1956. hypothesis

argued that the former procedure

our solar system of two stars

nearly equal in size and adjacent

one of which exploded

leave little pieces.

Big Bang Theory

Big Bang Theory

Big Bang is an explosion of events

very powerful. Thus forming a natural

universe some 15 billion years ago.

The process is the big bang

the beginning of the universe in the form of a mass

mahapadat. Mahapadat mass can be

referred to the size of one atom mahapadat

infinitely small and therefore have

radioactive reaction and ultimately produces

a very powerful blast

formation theory






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