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Sabtu, 14 Juli 2012

"Performance Best Anti virus"

"Performance Best Anti virus"

7 Anti virus world's best!

Various questions about antivirus that have sprung up on the internet that no other media which discusses anti-virus better than the many anti-virus?
Sourced from personal experience and common knowledge here are seven of the world's best antivirus by febri Irawanto.

Top standings
probably familiar to us by the name of Norton Anti Virus, anti-virus many advantages of this include:

Protectsion is the best of the best stout virus detected by the anti virus.
Quick Scan, scanning speed is relatively good, not membutukan computer specs are high enough in its use, Performance is very good.

Number 2
call it the Avast antivirus, despite ranking No. 2 in terms of antivirus but this will most pengunannya (guest) on appeal due to update antivirus another easy cukub data, the following advantages of Avast anti virus.

Update the data is very easy, even for a previous version of the update is not mandatory for
Performance is very good, Quick scan, a relatively mild protectsion pengunaanya and support for browsing as well.

Number 3

Avira antivirus
Almost the same as avast possible twin brother, but to be more frequent avira for the update, and if the antivirus is too late to update the virus protection will be zero.

Number 4

AVG Antivirus
for this software is also a relatively large surplus will teapi anvir including big AVG software that require computer skills are quite high, and the update is quite difficult to make him be the fourth position of the standings.

Number 5

Antivirus Kappesky
Software / antivirus is also rarely used because the provision does not erdapat in all versions of freeware antivirus. However to protecsi, devending, and scanning software is still capable of competing in top level competition.

Number 6

Eset Not 32 / more popular with Eset Antivirus, this software is a little weak Dapa protection mode, these factors may be of ESET is still in position 6.

Number 7

Panda Antivirus
Antivirus newcomers have started at the public know, and for the excess is still in the process of development.

Hopefully Helpful

By Febri Irawanto
By Maxsimal Social Organization

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