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Jumat, 06 Juli 2012


(A Journey Full of Wisdom and permisalan) by Her Budiarto

Part 1:


As anyone Moses and his rod.

With thy name duhai Allah, I write down the full back story of the man who has been a lesson to you preach

on your messenger, Prophet Muhammad's beloved high pearl disisiMu universe. That is the journey of a man

As a very logical Moses, the prophet and messenger to be a leader for the descendants of the Prophet Yaqub As the son of Ishaq ibn As

Ibrahim kholilulloh.

It was he whom thou Musa gelari Kalimulloh.

All praise belongs to Allah only infinite almighty High, I pray thee sense of gratitude, for being me

physically and spiritually. I also convey my gratitude Praise to the lord of the Prophet Muhammad SAW light

illuminate the darkness of the heart. I also convey a sense terimakasihku Praise to my mentors (Murshid) Syaikhunal

Muchammad Muchtar bin AlHaj

Abdul Mu'thi, my respect and taatku the light which you have inherited from the Prophets and

scholars warosatutul ambiya ..

As the journey of the Prophet Moses. in fact has been clearly etched in your book the Qur'an in one of your letter to

The man named Al-Kahf, in paragraph 60 to 82.

Let us open the book of letters to our AlKhafi Hudalinnas

paragraph 6082.

I seek refuge in Thee from guile himself to Syaithon the accursed of Allah.

Moses is a prophet who is it?

He was the son of a man Imron bin Yashar and Yashar is the son of the son of Prophet Yaqub Lawai As. As was the son Yaqub

As the Prophet Isaac, and Isaac was the son of Prophet Ibrahim As with Sarah's mother.

So Prophet Musa was still katurunan of the Prophet Abraham's father.

Who has magic wand of his Lord.


certainly knew about the magic of Moses STICKS As. have it.

Never mind the story would before entering the meeting with Khidr let us repeat our memory of greatness

As Moses SAKTI STICKS. it.

First, the Staff of Moses As it can be a great snake for permission. Snake swallowed all ularular

made the

Pharaoh's magicians that meets laknatulloh field. The snake is a symbol?

Snake as we know it is always changing his skin, nylungsumi.

Every time an old man, then he returned for skin and youthful again.

Snakes are elongate animals, body length, length.

Symbol is this?

For The people

who think they should understand.

Verily in the creation of what is on earth and the sky is instructive.

Secondly, the Staff of Moses FLOOD WATER As can eliminate BAH

Third, the Staff of Moses As can eliminate a large Tornado.

The fourth, the Staff of Moses As can eliminate FLOOD GRASSHOPPER.

The fifth, the Staff of Moses As can eliminate FLOOD FLEAS,

The sixth, the Staff of Moses As can eliminate FLOOD FROGS,

The seventh, the Staff of Moses As can eliminate FLOOD BLOOD,



: 133)


And We (Allah) sent to them (Pharaoh and his armies) 1.TUUFAAN, 2. JAROODA (flood grasshoppers),

3. KUMMALA (Flood lice), 4. DHOFAADI'A (floods frogs) and 5. AD DAMA (bloodshed).

The eighth, the Staff of Moses can be hard to beat STONE stone and struck out a turn on AIR

(Maul Hayat).



How to get rid of the Staff of Moses Blood floods, Flood Frogs, Fleas and floods Floods Grasshopper?

Follow the connection of this story in 2nd series.

Hopefully Benefits


Her Budiarto

Part 2:


The story of Prophet Musa AS danNabi Khidr (2).

About the Staff of Prophet Musa.

How does the story have anything to do with the tyranny of Pharaoh Moses Sticks.

From start to snake the snake swallowed the magic of the incarnation of the Staff of Moses.

Our friend would be Pharaoh's guile laknatulloh convey the Prophet Moses.

Because the Pharaoh who had menjadijadi kedholiman,

admitted amit

high god himself "Ana robbul'ala"

Then the flood brought FLEAS. Pocket clothes there are ticks, lice bedding, food The lice, fleas dipakaian there, in every

prabot no fleas and ticks. Ticks = ticks that make people berdemontrasi to Pharaoh Pharaoh who claimed that God

eliminate flood lice is itching and headache. </ FONT>

It turned out that Pharaoh could not eradicate kutukutu

it. Although it has deployed his troops. In fact kutukutu


multiplying makes people insane.

Moses and Pharaoh came to the U.S. and say "Yes Moses, Ud'ulana Robbaka bima 'ahida inkasyafta indaka la' anna


laka wala nursilanna ma'aka banii Isrooila "means

O Moses and ask for our Lord

with a known prophetic intercession of Allah is on your side. Surely if you can menghilankgan punishment (

flood louse) from us then surely we will believe in you and let the Children of Isroil go with you.

Moses prayed to Allah, then by order of his Lord in order to hit his sticks so kutukutu

it was

disappeared. But what?

Pharaoh denied Moses and to have faith in Allah SWT.

Then poses by Allah that disgusting gray green frog across the Egyptian nation is full of frogs. Not ditadak

inside the house or even frog jumping frog out of the house very much. Back in the demo Fir'au people who

subdued him. Ask if that Pharaoh was god then to expel katakkatak

the flooding of his land.

Pharaoh overwhelmed, it was he came to Moses and ask Allaah be removing the frog = frog rampant

and if it be granted then the Pharaoh with his hosts will have faith in Moses.

After Moses' Pharaoh granted to the Pharaoh profoundly hope

want to believe in Allah, then

Moses slapped his stick to katakkatak

the flood was at once a frog = frog had disappeared by permission of Allah.

Pharaoh still broken, do not believe in Moses. Allohpun then bring flood of locusts, floods and typhoons blood.

Repeatedly Pharaoh still refused to admit though kenabiaNabi Musa has repeatedly shown Miracles

Flood Tongat to repel grasshoppers, Blood Flood and wind hurricane.

And Allah was the final fate of Pharaoh laknatulloh set should be drowned in the sea with his army.

Here also the Staff of Moses As, on the order of Allah to make sea water split into 12 channels and can be traversed

with the running of the Prophet Moses and the 12 Tribes of As Isroil. Help so many favors on the sons of Allah through the Prophet Isroil

As Moses.

Bani Isroil been saved from Pharaoh's oppression, but Children of Isroil much ingratitude.

Thus began the beginning of Allah ordered the Prophet Musa As. to see a servant of Allah who came to be known by our

as Khidr.

Background As the prophet Moses. Allah commanded the Prophet Khidr As for the Met.

When the Prophet Moses on the orders of Allah berkhutbah As before the 12 tribes of Bani Isroil as written in the Qur'an, "

O Bani Isroil, remember you will all nikmatnikmat

Allah Allah has nikmatkan over you all? And

We preferred the advantages of your umatumat

the others. "(Al baqoroh/47)

Actually favors which you have in mind by the sons Isroil? Among the favors that are:

Bani Isroil liberation from slavery, oppression of the Pharaoh, this is the biggest favors, favors independence Isroil children.

The second, Children of Isroil should remember when dikejarkejar

Pharaoh's army, then the permission of Allah through the Prophet Moses' rod

As, the sea was split in 12 after being hit by the prophet Moses with his cane.

The third, Bani Isroil must remember the blessings in times of starvation and at the request of one of them to

asked the Prophet Moses to pray to Allah to bring food from the sky. Then they were hungry

helped food brought from heaven by permission of Allah.

The fourth

which favors for the Children Isroil when they thirst no water then with Moses Sticks As.

Great to STONE slapped gushed twelve springs so that each tribe obtain a single source.

For us, As if the story of Moses. Hit rock with sajarah / wand is just a thing of the past without

lessons that can be practiced?

Symbols are the Staff of Moses As for us?

STONE is a symbol of being beaten with sticks can emit a refreshing fresh AIR.

Here is the function of the Koran should be our practice, as lessons, guides and hints for people who think.

Diteng h middle

Prophet Musa sermon before Bani Isroil that there was one who asked the Prophet Musa,

with the question, as follows "Prophet Moses, Who is it the smartest NOW


In answer to the Prophet Musa As, "I LAH clever ABOVE THIS EARTH"

With this statement Moses heard the almighty Allah who speaks both to the birth or within the

his heart.

Allah admonished Moses straight As. With his words, "Moses, LI ANAA ABDAANI A'LAMU Minka huwa ..."

It means: "O Moses, I have a servant who is smarter than you ..."

Benefits of Sleep sting like a lightning bolt holes Moses reprimanded by Allah, and the subject said, "Where we can

meet your servant is smarter than me ".

Then Allah said, "My servant

can be found in one place called Majma AL BAHROIN ".

From this initial search Prophet Musa to meet the servants of Allah who are smarter than we are familiar with his

The name of Prophet Khidr.

Do Majma al Bahroin, and how it met Khidr, a connection follow this story in the 3rd series


Her Budiarto

Section 3:

The story of Prophet Musa studied at the Prophet Khidr As. (3).

Kuawali in the third part of the story that his diberitkan God through revelation to the Prophet Muhammad with a

His words in the Qur'an:



Surat Al-Kahf 54. Meaning:

"And We have mengulanulang

for humans in the Qur'an is a wide range of


And is that many human beings are denied ".

U.S. NabiMusa asked God, "Yes Robbii, Kaifa LII bihii?"

O God how do I find your servant is smarter than I was ...?.

Lord replied, "If you want to meet my servants who are smarter than you he is in his place

Majma'al Bahroin as for the way it is you have to go there, but bawahlah a dead fish (fish)

and you put the fish in the creel (the fish) and if you come to a place the fish

menghilangdari place because it is restored, then the place is where my servants who are smarter than you "

Moses then made preparations to go to a place he'd never know whose name is

Majma'al Baroin. Prophet Moses went to the market to buy fish that will be the provision and guidance where

servant of Allah place a more clever of him. After getting enough stock of fish and the Prophet Musa

set off with a student named Yusya. Yusya tasked with bringing bekalbekal

for the trip including

fish in the creel.

Yusya Who is it and what its relationship with the Prophet Musa.

As Yusya disciples of Moses is the son of Nun, the son of the son of the Prophet Joseph Ifrosun As. The Prophet Joseph was the son of the Prophet

As the son of Prophet Yaqub Ishaq Ibrahim As.putra As. So the young man named Yusya was met at the Prophet's lineage

U.S. Yaqub.

To Achieve Given Grace Meet The Need Many Years:




"And remember when Moses said unto his disciples, 'I will not stop (walk), before it gets to Majma'al

Bahroin (the meeting of two oceans) or I will run until bertahuntahun '.

Q.S Al Kahfi/60.

Of the verse and the Prophet Musa Yusya determined to walk though bertahuntahun

menyuri beach.

The word is the plural of Hakibah Hukubaan is bertahuntahun

(More than 80 years).

This is a lesson for us if we have a noble purpose (which diridloi Allah) it must have a strong determination and

never give up though berpuluhpuluh


In the course of the Prophet Muhammad was to achieve the life that God guided done kholwat


before the revelation was sent down to him.

How is it that we bercitacita

so human that Salih, Muttaqin? Is it enough santaisantai

Just no

determination reached keridloan Allah.

Back on the journey of the Prophet Moses and his students have ace up the coast to find a meeting place of two


Near the confluence of two great oceans there is a stone "Shokhro" (if Hasho small stone, the stone was Hajarun). Near the rock

There Shokhro large water sumberan "Maul Hayat".

Water when about things that have been dead back to life.

This is a benchmark that must be held by the Prophet Musa As. If the message of Allah to place the water when the fish

can be used as a side dish and then swim out to sea life that's a sign Majma'al Bahroin imminent.

Since morning, the second son of man that runs constantly, under the blazing sun continued to lived for a height

the side of Allah. On top of the hot beach sand sea breeze breezy waves accompanied the racing continues to run

until he felt very tired As Moses once, then As Moses was a shadow behind a boulder to rest

Shokhro, and falling asleep. Yusya youth was not asleep, he kept the sleeping prophet Moses As fatigue both

forget to eat lunch that had been prepared. Asleep at the time of Prophet Moses Moses is Yusya simurid As experienced event


Which will be used as a side dish of fish that jumped into the water and swam to the middle of life and the ocean.

Yusha terteguntegun

This will keajadian.

No other dead fish were exposed to splashing water near the rock life Maul.

And Yusha was forgotten to tell this strange incident to the Prophet Musa As., So that they continue to run

back to far.

Until one day when the Prophet Musa bekan thought of food to eat, then asked for provisions brought by the

Yusya. And any new Yusya tell about a strange fish that jumped into the sea and swimming, as where

Allah in the Qur'an letter reportedly Kahf:

"And when they came to a meeting of two oceans, they forgot their fish, it jumps

take its course to the sea. And when they had gone further, Moses said, "Bring your

we have our food really tired from the journey we are ".

And He replied, "You know O Prophet Moses, when we seek refuge behind the rock,

akau actually forgot to tell about the fish and Nor that I forgot to tell you except

syaithon and the fish took the road to the sea in a strange way at all ".

Then Moses said, "That's where we're looking for". Then they go back to follow the original footprint.

What is the wisdom behind the words "Majma'al Bahroin"

Is merely the meeting place of two oceans, where the sea water is not mixed with each other.

That only the sea taste fresh and the other salty taste. Between the two seas was as though

no barrier

transparent, the two are not mutually melampoi.

The lesson to be learned is that if we want to achieve a truly life

lucky hand of Allah, according to

the purpose of human life must bring together the two oceans SCIENCE. The second is that science is very clear batasbatasnya.

Studies of birth order that is called the Science of Shari'a and the second inner procedure Science, which is known as the nature of science.

By combining the two studies in our lives we will become truly

of life.

Life is essential. Real life.

To get a Shari'a science must learn to Shari'a scholars and experts to learn the nature of science, it must keep close track

Scholars studying the nature of Experts.

This is indeed the symbol of Prophet Musa as an Expert Science Tata Birth, and the U.S. is a symbol of the Prophet Khidr Expert Bathin Sciences,

The nature of science, science that is hidden.

How do the two meetings of the Prophet Moses and Khidr. And what syaratsyarat

Science is the second study. Follow the connection

4th story.

Hope can be understood and brought to the directions to The people

who really


Manit ala Wasalamu Taba Alhuda

Wasalamu alaikum wr.wb.

Her Budiarto

Section 4:


The story of Prophet Musa and Prophet Khidr AS (4)

Meeting with Prophet Prophet Musa AS Khidr.



Meaning: Then (Moses and Yusya) among my servants met hambahambaku

which I gave special Rohmat

him and that I teach Science from IlmuIlmu

Allah (Laduni Science). Surat Al-Kahf 65.

After the Prophet Musa walked along Yusya footprints they finally get back to the Big Stone

Shokhro the nearby existing Water Resources Life (Maul Hayat) and near the stone has been a servant of Allah who

promised to meet dengaNabi Musa.

Yet at the time of the first coming on the ground even to sleep on the ground a long time servant of Allah can not be obtained


Who is the servant of Allah who has received special Rohmat and Science directly from the side of Allah?

He is the Bunya

Malkan's son Amir bin.

Son of the son of Amir Sholikh Arfakhsyad son of Sham As the son of Noah.


Malkan bin is in the end we are known by the name of the Prophet Khidr, although Remembrance

just mention the

general "My servant among my servants who have received special Rohmat and taught Science Allah directly.

About Science Laduni / ghoib Sciences.

Of the word "Ladunna Ilman" This then appears katakata

Ladunni science and many people say that science Ladunni

is the science that comes directly from Allah through the angel Gabriel without.

And everyone can get this Ladunni Sciences.

The Science Studies belonging to this group have also called Warotsah and Life Sciences Firotsah. Ilmuilmu

This can not be


Is in kitabkitab

is how to achieve Ladunni Science itu.Bukan ladunni science itself. Science Ladunni

Allah is the science of direct provision.

Why Bunya

Malkan bin known as Khidlir?.


Khidlir as it was originally called each time the Bunya

Prayer then its surroundings form the visible glow


Green Arabic

AHDLORU, then became Khidlir.

Thus Shaykh ibn Abdul Mu'thi Muchammad Muchtar explained in the book Ma'ul his life.

After the Prophet Musa to meet with the Bunya

Moses delivered the greeting, "Assalam alaikum warohmatullohi

wabarokaatuh "and is answered by a servant of Allah who was sitting with a low voice," Bi Adrikas Salam ".

Then Moses said, "I am Moses."


reiterated, "Are you the sons of Moses Isroil ...?"

Moses replied, "Yes, my sons Moses Isroil ..."


asked again, "Moses?, Are not you the person who is in Bani Isroil people are very busy taking care of people who are so

much? why come here? "

Moses replied, "O servant of Allah, did I come to where you are ordered to meet your Lord.

Because my Lord told me to study science to you ". QOOLA Robbi ARSALANI ILAIKA INNA BIT


After Moses had said this, there is a bird said water sea, and water was dripping in front of Moses and Bunya.

And Bunya

said, "Moses, my knowledge and science ... you and all people on earth science from beginning to end it

just like a drop of water falling in front of us from the birds were compared with sea water that lies in front

this earth.

And you would not ever say that Moses INNAKA A'LAMU AHLAL ARDLI I

This is smarter than all

man on the earth? "

Hearing the above words are sharp as Prophet Musa was silent, because in his heart said yes


she once said so, that by making that Allah told him to learn to Bunya

in this place.

Once the Prophet Moses was convinced the people that there are people in front of his Lord meant by the Prophet

Moses had pleaded to the Bunya keridloan

to sit to him by saying:





Moses said, "May I follow you so that you taught me the true knowledge among ilmuilmu

Allah has taught you ... "

Allah's servant, "Thou art Moses sekalikali

can not afford to be patient with ku.Dan how you can

be patient for something that you do not have enough knowledge about it. "

Moses replied, "Allah willing, you will find me as a patient and it will not oppose you

in something urusanpun "

KemudiaNabi Moses asked, "If I could follow you, what are the requirements?"

And answered by Bunya,




"If you follow me so do not ask me about anything, until I myself

explain it to you. "

Comrade consider the learning requirements of the Special Studies made by Allah to us via the quote

Khidlir sayings of the Prophet.

DO NOT ASK FOR Condition is an inviting ANY THING TO WANT TO KNOW

THE GURU explains HIS OWN TO THE DISCIPLES 'notice. Do not forget it.

Now the question for us is whether the story is just a fairy tale about a special science. Though tales

It was written in the Quran Al Huda.

Would not we be guided by this story to also learn specific science?

And also told plainly how adabnya a student learning about the Special Sciences.

Is there anything that moved into Musamusa

The next quest for the Khidr?

Or just let this story go by without anything that we do from the lessons contained therein.

Let be the mother bedtime stories for putraputrinya.

Let's take a question in our deepest self.

This difference, between the governance procedures to learn science was born with Special Studies of heart procedures.

Tata Science Birth of the conditions have to ask if there is something unknown.


Meaning: So you ask the Experts Science, if you do not know "QS.An Nahl/43).

Asked is to carry out the command of Allah. If it does not mean do not ask Allah commands attention. This is the way

Born obtain Sciences.

And Tata Science Bathin, Special conditions is revealed by the Prophet Khidr as above. DO NOT YOU

ASK BEFORE ME / TEACHER explain it "

Not asked to learn and continue to diligently follow the Master's meaning execute the command of Allah.

Asked if he was not asked asked to disobey Allah.

These requirements appear easy at first glance, but we will know when it is so difficult to be implemented. And this we can

learned from the journey of the Prophet Moses studied at Bunya

aka Prophet Khidr.

For that follow the connections no.5.



Her Budiarto

Section 5:


The story of Prophet Musa and Prophet Khidr AS (5)

With thy name is maha maha Mercy and Mercy, I go on a good story (Ahsanul Qoshosh) from your book that

precious about the Prophet Musa and Prophet Khidr.

Along the journey of the Prophet Moses, servant of Allah who dubbed Khidr:

So after Moses agreed to the Bunya

keduanyapun walked to the edge of the sea. Yusya was not involved with

Prophet Musa and Khidr N U.S..

Both men (Moses and Bunya)

boat ride, which happened to be a new and powerful boat was passing through, take

The people menyebrangkan

from Salt Lake of the fresh water through the oceans. Yes, Ocean Persian to the Roman Sea.

With the dialogue:

Musa: Can I follow you so that you taught me the true science of science that has Allah

teach you?


: Ye sekalikali

will not be able to be patient with me, and how you can be patient

for something that you do not have enough knowledge tentan it.

Musa: Allah willing, you will find me as a patient and would not be against you in akau

affairs of any thing else.


: If you follow me so do not ask me about anything, until I

explain to you (AlKahfi 6671)

Prophet Khidr leaking boat:

Both climbed into the boat, which happened at that time there is a new and powerful boat was passing, menyebrangkan

The people

between sea salt to Ocean Fresh, between the Persian Sea to the Sea of ??Rome.

Apparently the driver / Nakoda boat was learned that she could see both Moses and Bunya

The people are

wise, it does not have to pay the cost of the boat. When the two men are welcome to come in and sit

then in the boat Bunya

said to Moses with the words, "Moses, do you want me let me know

talk story about your heart now? "

Moses replied, "Yes ..." Then the Bunya

aka The Prophet Khidr said, "Be ye were grumbling, saying, 'I

in Bani Isroil not like this, I am every day morning noon and evening to face and I followed my ummah,

obeyed them. Each

Taurot day I read the book "Moses then said," Well why right, exactly what I said in my heart ".

Thus Allah awarded Prophet Khidr can read / hear what other people's hearts. So the heart of the Prophet Moses



boat without the cost of the Prophet Khidr took the ax and board AS / wood kapalperahu


so that the water entered into the boat.



"Until when they boarded the boat and Khidr melobanginya".

Moses knew that the United States, terheranheran

and was shocked and said to himself, "Take the boat was not

pay, should be grateful even hand made boat damage. If the boat is so satusatu

its source

livelihoods sipemiliknya The people's so troublesome and

that the boat could sink all. After

talking to myself finally could not stand the Prophet Moses said, "QOOLA AKHOROQTAHAA LITUGHRIQO AHLAHAA LAQOD


IMROON "Alkahfi: 71. Meaning: He said: Why are you punching holes in the boat with the result that you

menengelamkan passengers .... Surely you've done a great ERROR ".

Prophet Khidr replied: NATURAL QOOLQ me! TASTATHII'A MA'IYA SHOBRON.alkahfi INNAKA LAN: 72.

Meaning: Khidr said: Have I not told you is precisely the sekalikali

do not be impatient with me ".

After that the Prophet Moses remembered that the condition following the Prophet Khidr it should not be asked during the course itu.Kemudian

The Prophet Moses said again to the prophet Khidr, "QOOLA LAA TUAAKHIDZNII BIMAA NASIITU Walaa TURHIQNII MIN AMRI

'USROON. Alkahfi: 73. Ari: Said Musa. "Do not punish me because I forgot, and do not

I weighed the difficulties in my case ".

Let dianganangan ..!

Here's the difference

Studies of birth order and the order Bathin Science, Special Studies.

This example is very CLEAR, why among the readers of the Book of truth is there are those who think it's just

fairy tales, and did not mean anything at

for the people of Muhammad.

Note, that according to Science grammar Born, .. "it should have helped people to thank, while damaging the boat people

can menengelamkan people and if until orangorangnya

dead man's deeds DHOLIM, DO NOT KNOW


But the fact is committed by a servant of Allah and be given a special Rohmat Sciences directly from Allah not


Because Moses was still in the level of Science As Tata Born, then he asked when asked that the ban. Why

because the mind and soul of revolt, would not hold what he knows.

Next we follow, the strange actions of the Prophet Khidr in the story of Moses and Khidr 6th


Her Budiarto

Section 6:


Meeting the story of Prophet Musa and Prophet Khidr AS (6)

The second strange deeds of the Prophet Moses viewed the United States.

And application Prophet Musa was granted for breach of the requirements if a person wants to learn MAIN Sciences

Specifically, the patient should not to ask if you find something that is beyond the law bisaa.

And continued word of Allah to Prophet Muhammad about Moses and the servant who was granted a grace











Meaning: the two went up when they met a young man, then Khidr killed him.

Moses said, "Why do you kill an innocent, not because he killed someone else?

Indeed you have committed a wrongdoing? "

Khidr said: "Did I not say unto you, that ye will not be able to be patient with me".

Moses said, "If I ask you about anything after this, so do not let me

with you, actually you have enough to excuse me ".

From the above Quranic verse is clear enough for The people

think straight, in which there maknamakna

The bright


Once off the ship, Prophet Musa and Prophet Khidr AS they walked up to a village called AILAH,

last kampong As the Prophet Khidr and Prophet Moses As a child met the boys

minor who is playing. Child


This little boy was playing with 10 others.

Among the ten children were in a child's boys

a handsome, saucy whose name is known is "KHASNUD"

his father and his mother was named MALASUN ROHMATUN.

Then the little boy was cute and handsome while playing held and killed by the Prophet Khidr AS.

In a book of commentary hands As the Prophet Khidr killed him with jarijari

pusernya to penetrate his


Prophet Musa, who was the ruling ideology / birth was very surprised and asked to refrain from verbal

and said to himself, "Young children who do not have sin, yet baligh really killed".

Though the ruling stated, "The Assumption of liability for third person, a man sleeping so she woke up, two people

crazy until he recovered and three children

to baligh / adult ".

And no law in any Taurot that Allah said, "I have enjoined upon the sons Isroil, who actually

that do not kill people for killing others or do not make mischief on earth then seakanakan

killed all mankind ".

That's ace in the mind of Moses. great disagreement with what he's been seen, finally the Prophet

Moses could not resist her inner voice and said, "Why are you (Prophet Khidr As) to kill an innocent

instead of killing someone else? Surely, you've done something unjust "

We know what requirements must be adhered to by the Prophet Musa As. studied during the Prophet Khidr As.?

Should not be asking for something to come any explanation of the Prophet Khidr (The Teacher) to the Prophet Musa As.


But Moses was ace. has broken twice on the requirements defined at the beginning of the second meeting

they were.

Here is located what we ought to take lessons when we have entered a Special Science lessons should we

Science learning in conjunction with the Shari'a.

What is the attitude of the Master Prophet Khidr As. for violations of the two disciples (As Moses.)?

Prophet Khidr said, "Did I not say unto you, that ye will not be able to be patient

with me "

When the Prophet Moses reprimanded the Prophet Khidr as a new Moses realized that he had violated the rules learned Special Studies

Prophet Khidr to the U.S., and said, "If I ask you about anything after this, then do not

let me be with you, actually you have enough to excuse me ".

Khidr and Prophet Moses was to forgive and give a chance one more time as requested by Prophet Musa.

And perjalananpun proceed to another village. Prophet Musa continued mengingatingat

Science will study requirements

Prophet Khidr in the U.S.. And he had one chance to live again.

Of these two events has seemed so difficult to harmonize the knowledge before it is built on

Science / Legal order of birth, which nampaknampak

with Tata Inner Science, Science hidden. Sampaisampai

The Prophet Moses

have been violated and neglected for a second time.

Are there any among us who still stops at Tata was born just learn science?

Or there are those among us who have followed the footsteps of Moses to learn Special Arts, Sciences hidden.

Hopefully the story of the 7th continued


I understand and will increasingly be driven commands

contained in this story.


Her B

"Do not ask until I came to explain

own "

Section 7:


The story of Moses meeting with the Prophet Khidr (7).

Strange incident Third, the Prophet Khidr enforce the Mau Wall collapses

Further Allah says about the story of Moses and Khidr to the prophet Muhammad SAW. "FANTHOLAQO HATTAA IDZAA





AJRON alaihi '(QS.AL

Kahf, 77).


So when they walk up to them to a country, they asked were treated to the inhabitants of the land

it, but the inhabitants of the land would not entertain them, then they get in a country house wall

which almost collapsed, then Khidr enforce that wall. KemudiaNabi Moses said, "If you want, you would be able to

take a wage for it ".

This is strange as the third and final milestone of Moses parting the U.S. and the United States according to the Prophet Khidr

the deal.

The third incident was recounted after the two servants of Allah, it goes to an unknown town called INTIQOYAH

(In the Qur'an called ATAYAA) and the time it entered the city before Maghrib time.

When entering the city Intiqoyah Prophet Musa and Prophet Khidr U.S. citizens were found serve food

to the family.

Though Prophet Musa and Prophet Khidr AS goes a long day out in the conditions to achieve, tired, lethargic and hungry and more

food and other supplies have been depleted during previous trips. Food runs out and have no money,

travel long distances, heart cramped as to meet various problems. Then the Prophet Khidr took a visit and the Prophet Musa

apparently none of the townspeople who accept it, is rejected. No one wants ditamui citizens. In both

is hambahamba

That Allah Salih, wise and knowledgeable citizens of their high nobody cares. In liver

both when it was full of hope, surely the citizens of this prosperous city will entertain them with a serve

good food so that it can eliminate the thirsty and hungry, exhausted during the day. Connect the power.

Eventually the two servants of Allah, it went on from home and came home tired and sluggish increases both the

both rest in the shadow of the walls of a house, where the height of the wall 30 dziya 'and a 500 dziya'

condition would have collapsed.

Then the Prophet Moses asked Khidr AS AS to enforce such a wall would collapse. When the Prophet Khidr AS

Moses asked the U.S. to enforce the wall, Moses said, "All citizens of this city and refused ditamui

do not give us food, inhumane, but why the wall The people

Such would

enforced on us in a state of hunger and thirst are very tired. If you do not enforce and paid okay,

able to

eliminate hunger and thirst. The people should

Such citizens do not need to do something nice for them,

what is the need to uphold the wall, being orangorangnya

so bear with us ".

Hearing the words of Prophet Musa that the Prophet Khidr so keep working on that very thirst and hunger

very hungry anyway and after that the Prophet Khidr said, "QOOLA HAADZAA FIRQOKU BAINI BAINIKA Saunab WA



Meaning: Khidr said, "Moses ...!

When this is the time we split (between the Prophet Musa and Prophet Khidr AS) and before the split with I'll tell you

what is the secret everything of what I did earlier. And I will tell you that you do not make

can be patient ". (QS.Al Kahf 78).

Prophet Khidr U.S. is very good as his word, not pity to lose such good students that Prophet Musa. Otherwise

could follow the requirements of Special Studies in taking, so anyone should be separate, stopped.

Similarly, Prophet Musa was very aware of the mistakes that have been unwittingly force three times. Prophet Musa

very simply gets a lesson from this trip.

And to know the secret behind the strange events follow the "story of meeting the Prophet Moses and Khidr As the U.S. to 8.


Her Budiarto

Section 8:


As with the story of Moses the Prophet Khidr (8).

Prophet Khidr Reveals Three Secrets behind the event.



Meaning: Khidr said, "Moses ...! At this time we split (between the Prophet Musa and Prophet Khidr AS) and before the split

with you I'll tell you what the secret of all of what I did earlier. And I will

tell me who made you do not have the patience ". (QS.Al Kahf, 78).

After the Prophet Musa promised not to ask about something the incident when Prophet Khidr with the U.S., but instead

ask because there are events that conflict with the law of Moses dhohir the senses, even to the Prophet Moses

breaking three times. At the time of the offense the third time that the Prophet Khidr said, "At this present time we

split, but before parting I'll tell you what you are and be contrary to the secrets behind

incident ".

Then the Prophet Khidr AS, reveal the secrets contained in the events that had happened.







"As for the boat, it belonged to The people

poor who work at sea and I'm aiming destroyed ark

because before them there was a king who seized tiaptiap

ark (by force) ".

The people whom

poor owner of the ark? And who are the king of the dholim it? Here's his statement.

The real Ark of Prophet Khidr damaged the U.S. belongs to the person that is not one, but belongs to The people


more than one of 10 people.

And the boat was an inheritance from his parents and just belongs satusatunya

as a source of

10 people living brothers, the results menyebrangkan people with the boat.

As of ten brothers who can work only FIVE people, and that five others were unable to work,

for which five people were in a state:

A. A BLIND man in a state, can not see,

2. A DEAF man again in a state, could not hear,

3. People mention the other one in the MUTE state, unable to speak,

4. One man again in a state of paralysis, unable to walk with his legs,

5. And the last one INSANE dementia.

While FIVE people who can work in a less than perfect conditions such as:

A. One man got leprosy,

2. The more eyes SIWER one side,

3. One of the other legs limp,

4. Another person WEAK HEART, Drendeg only,

5. One of the latter by heat, eternal, not sane, too.

In such circumstances it is difficult to five people forced to work to support herself and five other siblings

who can not work.

About King Jalnawa The Dholim:


people living in the region of a ruler (Queen or King) called JALNAWA, the rich king who

The stage built house with 360 towers that are not small. One of the tower there is a beautiful woman.

So it has Jalnawa 360 women.

Jalnawa King's selfish, selfish pleasures himself and not concerned

people or others.

Jalnawa king to know that there is a good boat, definitely take away from strong to have. No matter the boat

belongs to the poor. No matter belongs to the people. If he meets the poor "GIRAGIRA"

very disgusted look scared

poor contracting, if necessary, the poor were evicted.

Raja has a nature membanggabanggakan Jalnawa

power and wealth, adigang, adigung Adiguna.

Where does the 360 ??women he had. It is all of the seized istriistri

people, because if there is visible

women who are clean, neat and beautiful then Jalnawa take by force and put them in a tower


So perempuanperempuan

it's like birds. Every single night Jalnawa move from tower to tower

the other. Perempuanperempuan

is rotated one by one. Imagine once a year only once a turn.

People are also deprived of their property to have.

So it works Jalnawa queen seize anything at

owned by its people,

Great home, beautiful landscaping, tall buildings towering sky, and a good strong boat, wanitawanita

beautiful and lainlainya

all possessed only Jalnawa.

Because like rob and bersenangsenang

Just Jalnawa distended stomach.

Jalnawa bersenangsenang

misery on the poor and suffering people.

That the Prophet Khidr damaged the boat with the intention that the poor boat that looks good is not deprived

Jalnawa. (Source Book of Tafsir Qoshoshul Anbiya).

Why Prophet Khidr AS know the details of this problem?

Because the U.S. has reached the Prophet Khidr is a Special Science, given the excess of Sciences of the general YET

achieve it. This means that all the people willing to exercise self-cleaning of Sin and fill his life only to

obey Allah and continuously improve training in the Lord with full taqorub Ikhlas and Ridho would be

achieve it. Of latihanlatihan

This is the religion of God is in the Shari'a.

To find out, the secret behind the murder of a child by the Prophet Khidr AS, wait for the continuation of this portrait in the series


Section 9:


The story of Prophet Musa, the Prophet Khidr AS (9).

Secret Behind The events of the Prophet Khidr U.S. Killing of a Child.

Be aware this is the Word of God to the Prophet Muhammad SAW and the current time is God's Word to us, you

who read this verse.

Allah, He will tell the next story of Prophet Moses met Khidr:







"And as for the young man, then both parents are The people

who believe, and we feared that he would

encourage both parents to the apostasy and disbelief ".

Who is the young man who murdered the Prophet Khidr As.

The young boy who was murdered on the orders of Prophet Khidr As God (which he received a ghoib) is KHASNUD.

Village where the Prophet Khidr killed a young man is named village ASNUD is AILAH.

The name of the boy's father and his mother was named ROHMAH MALASUN.

A pious father and mother is also a sholehah. Then what is his job two men who

believing that?

The young man had a job every night is a steal.

And when the day was the morning asked his father or his mother replied, "Verily, every night I am here, Father, Mother.

The young man said he did not steal or do not leave the house.

The boy was made difficult parents (BapakIbu)

but his parents are very fond of young children.

Khidr and Prophet through his knowledge to know that the child will become a pagan, who dragged the two

the pious parents to disbelief.

"That's why my son was killed," said the Prophet Khidr to the prophet Moses.

Several lessons can be learned in this event.

That parents who are too fond of their children is very dangerous, if his son made a mistake, violated

law must be defended even if wrong. Whatever keadaanya, the child will be in defense, are exempt from punishment.

What about the examples in the Qur'an,

children who do not follow the rules of divine baikpun problems or other rules

then if one is wrong. It is not even recognized as a member of the family. Remember the story of Noah's son named U.S.

Kan'an who do not follow the teachings of his father who was a prophet and Rosulalloh.

So even though Noah had proposed that his son was saved from the Flood, but Allah remains of Noah reprimanded by

hard, firm that Kan'an is not a member of the family of Noah again, for reasons not to follow the call of Prophet Noah

to believe in Allah. Allah let the sons of Noah, Kan'an The people sank with

infidels. Noah AS, no

Kan'an aware that her son was out of line to menagisi Kan'an families who refused his invitation.

Allah then admonished with the words, "MIN LAISA AHLIKA INNAHU'AMAUN GHOIRU SHOOLIHIN". Meaning: It is not

family because he was not pious charity.

So according to the Nature of Science, Science Bathin:

Although her own children (biological children), his father Salih and mother Sholihah, but if children are not pious then it

was not his, already outside the family line.

But how in practice we disekililing?

Generally, parents concerned with the blood line, not concerned with the line devout, pious charity line.

Prophet Musa did not know beyond that seen with the eyes, finally demonstrated by the Prophet Khidr AS, because the Prophet Khidr

know as a science ghoib / Bathin.

To prove to the Prophet Musa As, then the child's bones were taken and broken by the Prophet Khidr As,

As Moses and told to read the inscription ditulang it.

As Moses and the Prophets. read what is written there is ditulang boy, "KAFARO" (infidel). The child later

when grown up to be infidels and dragging death of his parents to disbelief, for it was his love for

his son.

That is why the Prophet Khidr As. kill the little boy to bring his parents

do paganism and


Is Prophet Khidr killed on his own?


Prophet Khidr killed on the orders of Allah's revelation through the science of his heart he heard and saw.

There are examples in the Qur'an preventive

performed by the father of the Prophet Abraham's prayer of hope about the planning

to children,

and cucucucunya

and his descendants to be the one to Islam, obey and submit to the rule

Allah. Please see the letter Albaqoroh paragraph 127 128.

Allah says, "Abraham prayed, 'Our Lord, accept from us amalanamalan

us, Verily You are the

Is Hearing, Knowing. (127) Our Lord, make us both submissive to those who

You, and make our posterity a people submissive to You ....... (128).

Here is the key to plant hope to obtain a pious child turns before having children and grandchildren have

hope in Allah to be our children and grandchildren who later surrendered to Allah. Sholeh / sholehah.

Prophet Ibrahim prayed for himself, to his son, for his descendants to be the one to give up only in Allah.

So start from today for those who have not married, no children, had a child to follow the Prophet of Allah

Ibrahim. In order for their children

not necessarily belonging to the slain in his heart the Prophet Khidr Padangan Sciences.

Please read the true story of a Big Man in the history of how the pious efforts of both hope and prayer

parents to have a child who became a star in the adult human dijamannya.

Read the story of Imam Al Ghozali, Imam Abdul Qodir Syaih AlJailani,

or The people

good, great people in the homeland.

Sarah was the mother of Prophet Ishaq jealousy on Prophet Ismail's mother Hajar was etched in the offspring after the son of Prophet Ishaq,

the Prophet Yaqub one named Judah until now has not gone away. The Jews hated the descent

Prophet Ismail through the Hajar bangsabangsa

Arab now.


be a lesson for people who are sharp-edged. Follow the sequel no.10

Section 10:


The story of Prophet Musa, the Prophet Khidr AS (10).

Enforcing U.S. Khidr Wall Secrets Revealed.

I started with the Word of Allah SWT in the Quran Surat Kahf: 82,





It means: "As for the wall, it belonged to two orphan youths in the city who Intiqoyah and below

any property they had saved for two. Being his father was a pious, the Lord wants

in order that they came to maturity and deposits issued as Rohmat Lord, and

I do not it's own accord. That is the purpose perbuatanperbuatan

you do not

can be impatient about it ".

As the previous description, in the city that there are pious Intiqoyah (Expert Worship to Allah SWT), the name

KASIKHUN, have two children. Child number one name ASROM and child number two SHORIM name.

As a boy had left his parents' death, so that the children had become ORPHANS. And it's Kasikhun

EMAS has relics buried under the walls of the house, hoping to have responsible

to take care of the treasure, with the intention of Kasikhun to his future after large deposits into GOLD

livelihood, this was done before death.

And people are given the responsibility of the person who can be trusted.

While saudarasaudara

His father was seven.

Eventually, the walls of the house so it would collapses, but ASROM and SHORIM was a kid, then gold will be seen

The people and be a bone of contention


The city's population is very stingy, Khidr and Prophet Moses was denied a visit and was not given anything at

although a mouthful

water, even asked to leave.

Now with the greedy nature of the treasure of gold plates then it will be a bone of contention The people

Intiqoyah. How

the fate of two orphans.

From this basis that the Prophet Khidr rebuilt the wall that was about to fall down and underneath there is a treasure / gold


Remember what the Prophet Khidr said to Moses, "So I do not uphold the back wall to get a wage, and wage

it to buy food and drink. "

Though present in the mind of the Prophet Moses with the walls can be straightened to eliminate hunger and wage

hungry for both.

Under the existing wall plate 5 or 7 gold each

There's writing tablet.

Among the article is:

v Magic for those people who believe in destiny, how he was really worried / scared.

v Magic for people who believe in the existence Rizqi, how she really hard.

v Magic for people who believe they will die, how he really senangsenang.

v Magic for people who believe will be judged, how every day he really treasures.

Allah SWT so much attention to the orphans, so that His Prophet

told to rescue orphans

son of a pious person.

How about we do not yet quite clear that we MUST pay attention to orphans, to encourage

sympathize, sympathize itself.

Then Allah also questioned the authenticity,

sincerity of our religion Islam is to call people who do not

sympathize orphans and feed the poor as Kadzib Ad Dien. RELIGIOUS liar.

Lying his prayer, his Hajj Liar, Liar Quran Reading, cloaked and bersorbannya lie, here and there to take your lessons well

Liar, if not accompanied by actualizing sympathize and help orphans The people


Next follow the series (11) warning to the prophet Moses the Prophet Khidr related to the above three events.

Section 11:


The story of Prophet Musa, the Prophet Khidr AS (11)

Prophet Khidr parting with Prophet Musa AS

As after the Prophet Khidr explains the secret behind the third of three such events to the prophet Moses, the Prophet Moses

initially felt he was the only man of the highest hand knowledge of Allah, now so much felt need

learn to be alive, the Prophet Moses received all of the decision to split from the Prophet Khidr AS. But before

Prophet Khidr reveals split secrets relating to the three events experienced with the Prophet Moses

what Moses had done the days past.

Prophet Khidr said, "Moses, you have reproached me when I damage the boat, because you fear penumpangpenumpangnya

It later sank, but you forget thee, O Moses that had thrown in the river Nile by Ms.

you, but you are still in a weak baby. As word of Allah in the Qur'an:




"That is, place he (Moses) in the chest, then throw into the river (NIL), then definitely take him to the river

edge, ..... ".

O Musa, if the time there are waves, you could drown because you are weak baby can not defend themselves,

whereas if orangoang

is in the boat sank, they were still able to swim to save themselves.

But that day you (Moses) was saved because the help of Allah, why do you criticize me.

Furthermore the Prophet Khidr said, "Moses, you criticize me when I kill a small child without a case,

but thee Moses, you have killed a young age due to defend the people of Bani Qibty Isroil, because

The children of Isroil you defend that you are not careful the truth or falsity ".

(See Q.S.Qoshosh 1519,


Prophet Khidr went on his words, ".... Moses, you criticize me when I talked to enforce the wall. Nothing

really want to enforce the pay wall! You say. But you forget, when you help her son Prophet Shu'aib U.S.. When

their children

U.S. Shu'aib prophet no one can take the water to water their goats are so many

it. As was the child of the Prophet Shu'aib that all women. And you help them without being paid, why are you


Heard the warning of the Prophet Khidr As, the Prophet Moses As 'SILENCE' alone, because they feel it is actually all

events that have been experienced by As Moses, but Moses As has been forgotten.

That's excess As Prophet Khidr, given a more specific knowledge of the Prophet Moses As.

In Remembrance

As the prophet Khidr, was not called as a prophet, but only 'my servant' who have been given by his

Rohmat special.

This means that the degree of servants shows the level of grace like that of the Servant of Allah known by kitakita


Prophet Khidr, is available on the grace of Allah to hambahamba

other than the Prophet of the ketakwaanya

has reached "Haqqo tuqodih".

For The people

sharp-sighted then must keep close track began to think that a lot of things to do that

fundamental to be able to travel to get a servant of Allah as the Prophet Khidr featured.

Not the Prophet Khidr, but the servant who received the grace of Allah as a servant of Allah, the Prophet Moses met.

Procedure, the method of or system for the road to get there has been sequenced from The Prophet told ULAMA

Warosatul ambiya.

The scholars named THORIQOH. Method. Self-cleaning system of the inner and outer hijabhijab

which prevents a sense of

close to Kholiqnya servant.

Thoriqoh at first only one name, through the development period, namanama

thoriqoh is a lot suit

with the name of the city and the scholars who continue to pass on Science istiqomah Prophet is to hambahamba


thoughtful and thought that was ripe, and the setting is the path that must be awakened.

To find out hikmahhikmah

others in the story of Prophet Moses with Khidr, follow the story of 12. which is a cover

of this story.


Her Budiarto

Section 12: (The End)


The story of Prophet Musa, the Prophet Khidr AS (12/Seri Finished).


(IBROH) from the story of Moses journey to find the Servant of Allah who have special Rohmat.


This story actually has ended and all the secrets behind the event has also been described by the Prophet Khidr

own. But the question arises, whether Allah revealed to us through the Prophet Muhammad about the story

without any specific purpose or is there an underlying purpose that we should have without containing lakukan.Kalau

lessons, without containing the instructions then it is impossible for Allah to do something in vain.

As the Koran itself is huda, huda and bashiron burhan from wanadhiron.

Ke1 lesson.


Above that there must be good at it that much more clever.

Prophet Musa's claim to be smarter and has no equal, when Allah says, "over the clever one

more clever anymore "This is an example of a lesson to us that as good as any of us then we must TAWADLU

to others. Prophet Musa eventually reprimanded by Allah that there are people who are smarter than Moses, namely

My servant.

2nd lesson.

Us if you want his soul lives, our spiritual growing beautifully on it all the good it must look for Maul Hayat,

Living water, water qolb turn, our souls. So the believers should welcome the call of Allah and His Prophet

invitation to participate in something that turned his faith. Maul Hayat that is looking for.

3rd lesson.

Must have a strong determination if you want to find Maul Hayat, as the word of Allah to the Prophet Moses, "LAA ABROHA


It will not stop so it will be up to the "Majma'al Bahro'in")

Lesson 4.

To be able to find Maul Hayat had to walk back and have followed his own, so will

meeting place Majma'al bahroin Maul Hayat.


Maul Hayat must keep close track to get to meet people who have special Rohmat of Allah, such a person

called allyl ABSHOR (who dubbed Khidr Bunya example). See Q.S. An Nuur: 44, "


The people

are already aware to look for Maul life, must understand ethics, specifically studied the procedure for

get Maul Hayat. In contrast to the ethics, common procedures for studying science, grammar was born.

That is not to ask if the patient discover what was found during the study that did not fit the general law,

because the teacher will explain the point in time.

In the end that there will be someone that found a shift towards the advancement of piety except liver

someone was making changes, then Allah will give jalanjalan

not previously knew.

Guidance comes only from Allah, "huda Innal hudalloh"

. For this reason if there is any doubt in the path

then the path is shown asking the right way and please be The people


Indeed sebaikbaik

hearts are SURE.

Remember that we have determined the age of its length. We do not know when each

we will leave the natural

world where we do good this Salih. The people for a very large loss

the menundamenunda

about matters of faith

and devotion to Allah.

May be useful in both inner and outer, the afterlife.


Manit Taba Wasalamu ala Al Huda.

Editing of the original text dated December 2003M

Gunungputri, Bogor, 8 Robiul Early 1326H / 12 April 2005M

Her Budiarto


A. AlQur'anul

Karim, and his commentary.

2. Book Maul Hayat, Syaih Muchammad Muchtar Bin Al Hajj Abdul Mu'thi

3. Book Qoshosul Ambiya '

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Hopefully Helpful and useful Posted By: Febri Irawanto

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